Perry Parc, May 19, 2003
Boxwood pruning to do in June! The first bloom of this sun-tolerant, purple rhodie is on its way. As seen on the patio, we are currently under the annual, spring onslaught of oak and moss seeds. We left the patio stones loose, so that, if we ever want to build a "great room" at the back of the house, the stones can be lifted and used to floor the room. The brick walls were built with footings sufficient to carry the weight of walls, windows, and roof in such an addition.
This bed begins at the end of the driveway on the north side of the house. On the right, the Azalea "Delaware White," cascading over the stone wall, is considered the Cadillac of azaleas. Its parent species originated on Okinawa! There is an entire bed of them along the hillside at the end of the lower patio. A large Southern Magnolia tree, a Dogwood tree and a group of Mountain Laurels stand above, behind the border of azaleas and winter-berrying Skimmias. The fuchsia rhododendron (far right above) was twice as tall and well filled in, until last fall, when youngsters working with the crew who re-surfaced the driveway threw the garden hose over it: and the winter freeze did the rest! But, it should soon recover. Our garage is hidden below the house, to the right of these pictures. Behind the bed are the basement windows. Above it are the dining room and kitchen windows. The bed curves along the stone steps up to the main patio. Branching off to the left from here, head into the Woodland Garden... Click here