visit with Sue and Bob
while they babysat their grand-daughters in New York
August 2003
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and I met as freshmen ... a "few years ago" at
Mary Washington College.
Bob grew up in New Jersey and graduated from
Georgia Tech.
met while living in
where Sue taught for the Department of Defense (DOD) school
for the children of the US military there
and Bob worked for Daimler Benz.
They were married in
better Heidelberg Castle photo album
I lived in Bonn at the time, so, I met Bob back then.
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met again while we were all living in Washington in the 1980s.
Tom and Bob hit it off great, and we got together often as couples there.
One of our favorite activities was attending antique shows together.
We are all antiques and porcelain nuts...
it was Bob's collection of German porcelain which helped to inspire
our own.
His Meissen porcelain collection was the first I ever saw outside a
He also has a nice set of Italian figures of the characters of the
Commedia dell' Arte, which we also, now collect.
(See our Collections section for a bit about the Commedia dell' Arte.)
Sue's background is in history. She taught for many years at
The Langley School in Mc Lean,
Sue is constantly active these days, with everything from golf and sailing
to dominoes
and taking grand trips that require hiking gear or a passport.
Bob worked for many years as head of Finance for Defense Intelligence
at the Pentagon.
Needless to say, I can't tell you much about his work!
But you can take a Virtual Tour of the Pentagon:
I can tell you that one of Bob's major accomplishments was his significant
in the creation of the
Department of Energy,
under President Jimmy Carter.
After Bob retired from the government and before he and Sue moved to
he worked with Tom as head of finance at
(click on About ASEE at the top of the page)
while Tom was Acting Executive Director there.
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is
a nonprofit member association, founded in 1893,
dedicated to promoting and improving engineering and technology education.
Bob spent some time living in Koeln, Germany, a couple years ago,
revisiting the country and continent for which he has always held an
affection and fond memories.
As a result, when Tom and I were in Germany in 2001, we were finally
able to introduce Bob to our German family (whose pages can be found
on the Index page).
Bob is back in the US now. A bit about his current activities is further
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The girls are their first grandchildren, daughters of their son Todd and
his wife Carlton.
Todd graduated from
Yale University
and did his graduate degree at Northwestern, if I correctly recall.
He works in New York City, where he has been very successful in the stock
brokerage business.
Carlton's background is in film production.
Todd and Carleton are shown at the bottom of the page with their daughters.
They have since adopted a son from Russia.
No pix of him here yet, but, we hear he's a sweetie!
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image to enlarge.
family portrait
Sue and Bob's daughter, Beth, was married a few years ago in Denver, CO.
Beth graduated from
University of Colorado.
She and her husband Jeff are architects.
They have a 1-year old and one on the way, due this fall.
Todd and Carleton are also shown on the right above, with their daughters.
Sue often goes out to Colorado, to hike in the mountains and
tour the region's natural wonders and its historic Indian territories,
with Beth.
Tom and I last visited Sue and Bob in Florida last spring (2004).
Bob now owns an antique shop with a partner on Antiques Row in
West Palm Beach, FL.
After 33 years together, he and Sue split up several years ago. But, they
are still friends
and visit their kids together for the holidays and special family events.
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