When we met, Gilbert was a member of the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States
"Recognizing the importance of American support for European integration, the Union's founders opened an information office in Washington in 1954. In 1971, it became a delegation with full diplomatic privileges and immunities. The Head of Delegation was accorded full ambassadorial status in 1990. The Delegation represents the Commission in its dealings with the US government for all matters within EU competence. It reports on US developments to headquarters in Brussels and acts as a liaison with other international institutions in Washington, DC. The Delegation functions like an embassy. These Delegation officials represent the Commission at government, business, press, academic and other meetings throughout the United States."
On September 8 2004, Former Prime Minister of Ireland, John Bruton, was chosen Head, EC Delegation to US in Washington, DC. This decision reflects the joint wish of the Commission and Member States to raise the profile of the European Union in the United States. As is the custom with such appointments, Members States will be consulted on the choice of Mr. Bruton and his confirmation is subject to standard diplomatic procedures of accreditation with the United States. Mr. Bruton is expected to join the Commission in November. Delegation of the European Commission to the United States 2300 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 For additional information about the activities of the Delegation... Click here I have compiled a bit of information about the European Union and European Commission... Click here The four of us left Washington around 1991. Tom and I came to the New York area, while Marie-Paule and Gilbert were transferred to Moscow.... Mission to Moscow!
Marie Paule and Gilbert remained in Moscow for the following 10 years, while Gilbert was Deputy and Acting Head of the European Commission Delegation to Russia
For information about its work Click here Small World! While we were still living in Washington, I'd had the opportunity "in absentia" to introduce Gilbert to my German friend, Dierk, on one of Gilbert's business trips to the European Commission in Brussels, where Dierk also worked. To meet Dierk Click here Years later, while Dierk and Annemarie were on EC business in Moscow, Marie-Paule and Gilbert had them to dinner. One of our favorite mementos is this post card, which they all signed that night and mailed to us from Moscow. As a symbol of the rare opportunity of introducing my friends to each other, the post card sits under glass on a table in our bedroom to this day.
For some quotes of Gilbert on BBC News, while he was the EC envoy in Russia ... Click here Home to Brussels!
Marie-Paule and Gilbert are now, once again, in Brussels, where they have long had their home. They are very happy to be back home and near their family again! Gilbert works at the European Commission in the Directorate General for External Relations, in Multilateral Relations and Human Rights where he serves as Head of Unit for Relations with the OSCE and the Council of Europe, In this role, Gilbert has been very involved in human rights and democracy efforts in the countries which were formerly a part of the Soviet Union. More on that below. Following is some information about each of the international organizations with which Gilbert works.
For some brief information about
the EC and
The OSCE is the largest regional security organization in the world with 55 participating nations from Europe, Central Asia and North America. It is active in early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation. The OSCE approach to security is comprehensive and co-operative: comprehensive in dealing with a wide range of security-related issues including arms control, preventive diplomacy, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, democratization, election monitoring and economic and environmental security; co-operative in the sense that all OSCE participating States have equal status, and decisions are based on consensus. Following an invitation transmitted by Ambassador Stephen Minikes, the Head of the U.S. Delegation to the OSCE, and in accordance with its mandate, the ODIHR deployed an Election Observation Mission of a targeted nature for the 2 November 2004 elections in the United States of America. Read more about it! Click here More recently, the OSCE was involved in Overseeing the elections in the Ukraine including the re-match there, which resulted from the fraudulent election initially held by the Ukrainian government. The OSCE continues in its role, currently working with the new government toward the integration and protection of persons belonging to national minorities. Latest information - OSCE's Ukraine efforts... Click here BBC News Profile of the OSCE Click here ![]() Official web site OSCE ... Click here The Council of Europe
The Council of Europe is the continent's oldest political organisation, founded in 1949. It: • groups together 46 countries, including 21 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, • has application from 1 more country (Bélarus), • has granted observer status to 5 more countries (the Holy See, the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico), • is distinct from the 25-nation European Union, but no country has ever joined the Union without first belonging to the Council of Europe, • has its headquarters in Strasbourg, in north-eastern France. The Council was set up to: • defend human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, • develop continent-wide agreements to standardise member countries' social and legal practices, • promote awareness of a European identity based on shared values and cutting across different cultures. Since 1989, its main job has become: • acting as a political anchor and human rights watchdog for Europe's post-communist democracies, • assisting the countries of central and eastern Europe in carrying out and consolidating political, legal and constitutional reform in parallel with economic reform, • providing know-how in areas such as human rights, local democracy, education, culture and the environment. An urgent debate on the challenge of terrorism in Council of Europe member states, as well as, a joint debate on the political, human rights and humanitarian situation in the Chechen Republic were among highlights of the session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), which took place in Strasbourg from 4 to 8 October 2004. Protection of the diversity and independence of media in Europe was proclaimed as a vital goal at the seventh ministerial conference on mass media policy organised by the Council of Europe (COE) in Kiev, Ukraine, in March 2005. A Round Table for the organisation of an exchange of views involving political parties and local politicians from the Chechen Republic and the Russian federal authorities is to take place in Strasbourg, France, on Monday 21 March 2005, organised by PACE's Political Affairs Committee. Latest News from the Council of Europe Click here
Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly (PACE)
more information about Palais
des Nations,
Geneva operates in several major fields, including:
the text of a presentation by Gilbert,
more information about the UN in Geneva... Probably
few know that my father's one-time dream for me was
But, those of you who know us well will doubtlessly appreciate Il était merveilleux pour
vous revoir ! Return
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